Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
We are social animals who live in society, community, region, state and finally in a country. We believe that each and every citizen has some responsibilities towards society, community and people around them. ResearchInn™ understands this fact and carry out a lot of activities which counts as Corporate Social Responsibilities.
1. We aim at generating more and more employment so that deserving candidates get a chance to work with a good
company and it also in turn brings down the unemployment rate.
2. Our aim is exponential growth so that we contribute as much as possible to the GDP of the country.
3. All our employees and clients are encouraged to keep the surrounding clean, green and pollution free.
4. We take special interest in supporting hospitals, old age homes, orphanages and NGO’s.
5. An accident and illness free working environment and atmosphere is provided to the employees.
We give them an environment which helps them balance their work and social life.
6. Employees are frequently encouraged to participate in activities like blood donation, marathon, candle lighting etc.
for social and noble causes.
7. We encourage less paperwork and our aim is to make ResearchInn™ an organization where paper
work is reduced to zero level.